Robert "Lefty Preacher" Sampson
March 23, 2024
Robert "Lefty Preacher" Sampson
Robert “Lefty Preacher” Sampson originally hails from East St. Louis, Illinois. Robert comes
from a long line of musicians including his parents, sisters, brothers, and cousins. Robert has
represented the Illinois Central Blues Club at the International Blues Challenge in Memphis,
Tennessee on several occasions placed in the Finals of that competition on four occasions.
Robert has also performed with the likes of Shirley King and Bob Stroger. In 2016, Robert
released his first album “The Jukebox Boogie” as a self-produced album performing on all sixteen
instruments on this album.
In 2021, Lefty Preacher was a featured artist in Living Blues Magazine. (Issue #272: Vol. 52, #3) The
article entitled “Limit Yourself” cataloged his journey from humble beginnings to his times on the big
stage in Memphis. Robert’s upcoming second self-produced album, “They Call Me Lefty Preacher” set to
be released in early March of 2024